Supply of W-Shapes - Letter #3 Jun 1999

    23 June 1999

    To: Structural Engineers, Architects, Fabricators, Building Officials and Educators

    Re: Supply of W Shapes in Canada- Letter #3

    In Letter #2, dated April 27, 1999, I stated that you would be notified if steel mills other than Algoma Steel Inc. decide to supply W shapes presently identified in Part 6 of the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction as being produced exclusively by Algoma Steel. The W shapes in question are the following - W200x21, W250x24, W310x31, W460x61, W460x67, W610x84 and W610x91.

    The Imperial units designations of these sections are - W8x14, W10x16, W12x21, W18x41, W18x45, W24x56 and W24x61.

    Chaparral Steel has now informed me that they plan to roll all of these W shapes. British Steel, TradeARBED and Nucor-Yamato Steel have informed me that they plan to roll some of these W shapes. Thus there will be two or more producers of all of the W shapes listed above.

    CISC Fabricator Members and Canadian steel service centres which are Associate Members of the CISC will be able to provide more information with respect to local availability of these W shapes, if required. For a list of CISC Members in your region, please visit our web site (address at bottom of this letter) or call us.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or other members of the CISC staff.

    Yours truly,

    Hugh A. Krentz, P.Eng.